Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3rd Grade Jim Dine Sculptures

2nd Grade

2nd Grade

Thea B.
2nd Grade

4th Grade Plushie Limericks

My big white house was on sale
But one sunny day it hailed
I have holes in my roof
Didn’t have any proof
So I was placed in jail
Gabrielle W.

My house is really really tall
It makes other houses look small
But one day it broke
And went up in smoke
So then I just went to play ball
Cole W.

Once at my house I saw a mouse
I dashed out of my red little house
I stumbled on a broom
There was a BIG boom
So the very small mouse left my house
Isabel V.

I could not find my new shoes
They were perfect pretty blue
I saw a red monster
It was on my counter
Slobbering on my shoes with goo
Jaleel M.


4th Grade Plushies